Vinyasa Flow
||||Vinyasa Flow ist ein kreativer fliessender Yoga-Stil zu Musik, der ursprünglich auf Hatha Yoga basiert. Zentral dabei sind die Atmung und die Bewegung. Eine Asana (Körperstellung) geht fliessend in die nächste über. Mit der Abfolge der Asanas wird variert. Umrahmt werden die Yoga-Asanas von Pranayama (Atemmeditation) und Shavasana (liegende Abschlussmeditation). ..Vinyasa Flow is a creative flowing style of Yoga with music, which stems from Hatha Yoga. Central to this are breathing and movement. One asana (body position) flows into the next one. The asana sequence varies each time.||||
||||Regular Class: Tuesdays, 12.15 - 13.15h at BYoga Basel, Hutgasse 1, 4001 Basel. Community Classes on Saturdays, donation based. Check schedule on BYoga Basel.||||
||||Vinyasa Flow und Yin Yoga werden in verschiedenen Retreats angeboten (s. Events). ..Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga are offered in different retreats (see Events).||||
Evelyne is part of the “Mandali Experience” Teacher Team - these retreats may be booked at and are happening several times each month, sometimes also online. She also organizes Silent Retreats twice a year at Mandali (see Events for the dates).