||||Silent Spring Retreat im Mandali Retreat Center über dem Lago d’Orta, in Norditalien. Über 5 Tage tauchen wir ganz in die Stille ein und horchen zu unserem tiefsten Wesenskern. Yoga, Meditation, Satsang/Spirituelle Psychotherapie, Nature Walks & Dance führen dich tief nach innen und verbinden dich gleichzeitig mit der Natur. Beheimatet im Mandali Retreat Center und seiner umgebenden Natur sind die Tage so gestaltet, dass eine tiefe Entspannung in unsere wahre innere Natur möglich wird. Das Retreat wird in Silence geführt. Für die Satsang/Spirituelle Psychotherapie Sessions kann gesprochen werden.
Kurssprache: Englisch. ..This retreat is for the ones who yearn for a deeper dive into a silent retreat of 5 days with a mix of Yoga, Meditation, Satsang, Self-Inquiry, Spiritual Psychotherapy, Nature walks and Dance. To be in Silence for a while is a great gift and allows you to get in deep contact with your Self, with the group and with Nature. We will stop speaking after the first dinner and until the last lunch. During this time you will be guided by Evelyne, an experienced Yoga & Meditation teacher and a Spiritual Psychotherapist, and taken on a journey home to the core of your Being, the essence within yourself. Sometimes clear insights and decisions can come from that place. And for sure it is the place of peace and unbound happiness.
The soft Vinyasa Yoga lessons in the morning will help you to come into your body, to stretch and open it, so that you get an easier access to your inner world. The morning meditations/silent sittings will help you to deal with your thoughts and get some distance to sticky thought patterns. The Nature walks in Silence will connect your inner Nature with the outer Nature and allow you to focus more on breathing, walking and the fascinating beauty and views surrounding Mandali. The Self-Inquiry, Diads, Inner Journeys, Walking Meditations in the afternoon deepen the inner journey. The Satsang and Spiritual Psychotherapy sessions in the evening are a place where you can bring forth your questions about your journey, life challenges and we look into essential questions like „Who am I“. For that format you may speak. Silence and Satsang are complementary when it is about to get deep recognition of your true Nature. The dance on one evening will allow you to loosen the body, the tensions, the thoughts and to celebrate life and the newborn realizations.
After this retreat you will somehow come out as a newborn, totally refreshed. And if you feed that new Being that you are, you may slowly start to align your life to it. You may stop making wrong compromises and listen to that silent voice within that tells you which way to go. In that way it is possible to stay in deep contact with existence, which will give you extra courage and confidence to take necessary steps and to live in deeper trust in life.
Spring is a good time for an inner cleanse. And Silence is often a way how to connect ourselves deeper.
Language: English||||
||||Kurskosten: 450€..Course fee: 450€||||
||||Unterkunft: ..Room rates:||||100 – 180€/||||Nacht/inkl. Vollpension und Benützung des Spa (abhängig von der Zimmerart)..night/incl. full board and facilities (depending on the room type)||||
||||Beginn: Montag, 6.4.26, 15.30h, Check-In ab 14.00h (Bahn: Ankunft Omegna, von ZH, BS, etc.: 13.36h)
Ende: Freitag, 10.4.26 13.30h (Bahn: Abfahrt Omegna 16.19h, nach ZH, BS, etc.)..Start: Sunday, 6.4.26, 15.30h (you may reserve a pick-up-service from Omegna train station to Mandali at 13.36h (train arriving from Switzerland) directly with Mandali Retreat Center).
End: Friday, 10.4.26, 13.30h||||
||||Inbegriffen: Retreat, Vollpension, Früchte & Tee ganztags, Schwimmbad, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Steamroom, Benützung der Yogamatten und Props, sowie grandiose Aussicht auf den Lago d’Orta. Nicht inbegriffen ist der Pick-Up-Service von und nach Omegna (in shared Taxis 12 - 35 Euros pro Weg), sowie Pick-Up vom Flughafen (shared taxis möglich) – Organisation direkt über info@mandali.org. ..Included: Full retreat, full pension, fruit and tea during the day, Swimmingpool, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Steamroom, use of Yoga mats and material and a gorgeous view on the Lago d’Orta. Excluded is the pickup-service from and to Omegna (in shared Taxi Vans it’s about 12 - 35 Euros/way) or pick-up from airport. Organisation directly via info@mandali.org.||||
||||Leitung: Evelyne Vuilleumier ist lic. phil. Psychologin, Gestalttherapeutin, Spirituelle Psychotherapeutin, Yoga-Lehrerin (RYT 500), Sophrologin. Sie ist Begründerin und Leiterin der jährlich stattfindenden Fortbildung “Spirituelle Psychotherapie”. Sie verbrachte während den letzten 20 Jahren viel Zeit mit Satsang-Lehrern und folgt einem wahrhaftigen spirituellen Pfad. Ihr Hauptfokus liegt auf der Verbindung von Erwachen und westlichem Leben. ..Teacher: Evelyne Vuilleumier is a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Clinical Psychologist, Gestalt Therapist, Spiritual Psychotherapist and Sophrologist. She leads a yearly Curriculum in Spiritual Psychotherapy. Over the past 20 years she spent quite some time with Satsang teachers and is now sharing from what has been realized. She sharing her knowledge in how to integrate Awakening into everyday Western Living.||||
||||Information und Anmeldung: evelyne.vuilleumier@gmail.com, www.evelyne.vuilleumier.net, Tel.: +41 79 254 40 58..Course registrations and informations: evelyne.vuilleumier@gmail.com, www.evelyne.vuilleumier.net, Phone: +41 79 254 40 58||||
||||Zimmerreservationen: ..Room reservations:|||| info@mandali.org, www.mandali.org, Phone: +39 0323 826439
||||Anmeldeschluss: 20.3.26..End of registration: 20.3.26||||
||||Tägliches Programm:..Daily Schedule:||||
7.30 – 8.15 Silent Sitting
8.15 – 9.15 Breakfast
10.00 – 12.00 Yoga (Vinyasa Flow/ Therapeutical Yoga) & Meditation
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.30 – 16.30 Nature Walk, Walking Meditation, Self-Inquiry, Diads, Inner Journeys
17.00 – 19.00 Time for Jacuzzi, Sauna, Steamroom, Swimmingpool
19.00 – 20.00 Dinner
20.15 – 22.00 Satsang/Spiritual Psychotherapy, Meditation & Dance