Saturday, 11.4.20, 11.00 - 12.00 am
Sunday, 12.4.2020, 11.00 - 12.00 am
Monday, 13.4.2020, 11.00 - 12.00 am
Donation based.
Satsangs are gatherings based and focussed on the recognition of your true Nature.
There will be meditations, inputs for life and living in these exciting times and guidance into the “new world” or “new consciousness”, as well as room for questions and answers.
Everybody is welcome.
You may join 1, 2 or all 3 meetings.
Just download the Zoom program on your computer and push onto this link and you are in.
Languages: English/ German.
Zoom link:
Meeting-ID: 640 408 988
Twint: +41 79 254 40 58, Evelyne Vuilleumier
IBAN: CH23 0070 0114 5007 6770 2
Thank you!!!